Wednesday, June 18, 2014

OMC Update!

Deene and I are buddies now.

He lubs me like a brofur, but still puts the bitey on me which I DO NOT LIKE.  I make dis clear by making lots of growlie grumbelton sounds but he still keeps doing it!

I guess I cans furgive him, aftur all he's quite the snuggler and licks my ears fur me.

I was declawed when I was a kitten, I has a tendon problem now. The Humom took me to the V-E-T because I was not putting any weight on my front paw. They gave me a PAWSOME shot of pain meds that made me one loopy man-cat. My Humom told me I was pawing at the floor a long time and nothing was there MOL. I also rolled around a lot inside a box and stayed there almost a whole day being silly! They had to bring me water because I furgot I was thirsty. That was one crazy time. I had to take YUCKIE pills for 10 days (antibiotics) I just had my lastest one tonight YAY!
I guess I has to get surgeries on mah footies... dis is scary - do not want!