Avast Ye! Come on board th' poop deck (use ye litter box before boardin' please) 'n sail wit' Gentlemen o' fortune to th' far far away isles 'o kitty paradise.

Plenty 'o noms, grog n' nips fer all ye pirates! Long as ye be no landlubbin' sons o' biscuit eaters ye be welcome aboard. Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!
Yarrghh! Ye best be mind'n thar cap'n Squabby Owlerton, or ye gunna be end'n up a carvin' o' Luna's nu' peg leg ! Zulu - Yer breath could kill thar Kraken ye parrot-lovin, mutionous rouge... let us be settin' sail, all be aboard. Tis time fur a nip party!