It's getting to look a lot like Christmas in our house! I love all the purrty lights. There's lots of pawsome toys hanging in the tree too! Let me show you my furravorites.
This one is Angel-Keiko, our WI cousin, Whiskers gave it to us to remempurr her always.
We think of our Hoomans going away and coming home when we see this. I love to lay on all their stuff!
This is an oven-mitt kitten. I bet that is nice and warm to sleep on!! Especially if the hoomans used it to get foods from the oven first MOL.
We LOVE Garfield, here are two more angel cats! We has lots of other Garfields hanging too =^_^=
Dis kitty got into all the treats and was so tired from eating them, they fell asleep in the jar! I wish I could do that. What are your furravorite tree-toys? PURRS2U we hope you're having a great Caturday~!