Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy Mew Year!

Happy Mew Year from Zulu, Miss Kitty and Deene!!! 
Miss Kitty is our Auntie, can you believe she is 26 Hooman years old!? Our Humom is with her in TX. We're at home yet wif Grandpaw but Pee-Cee magic lets us all be together. Wishing you all a pawsome new year =^_^=

Friday, November 28, 2014

We has a new home!

It's been a busy and scary few months for us. The hoomans were packing up everyfing in the house into boxes. That part was fun, we got to jump in SO MANY boxes. More boxes than I has seen in a whole year all in a few weeks.  We got to put box piksurs on the our FB page, that was pawsome.

One day a few weeks ago, my Humom put us in the extra bedroom where we could watch out the window. They took our cat tree! They took our bed! It all went in a big big truck. After lots of hiding, meowing and window watching she came back. We were tricked into our crate and put in to the dreaded car!  The car means one thing.. V E T... but we didn't go there. 

 We went here! Dis is our new catio. We got to play out here all day last weekend. 

 I love watching chipmunks out here!
 Rollie pollie
 I give dis place my rub of approval
I is sad now, the white cold stuff came from the sky a few days ago. Now Maum says we can't go out in the window porch until spring because is cold.... What fun is dat?! Oh well, we ares lucky dis new house has sunny windows evfurry where. We only had two windows at our old domain. 

Hope to see you all again soon! PURRS
Zulu T. Katt

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

OMC Update!

Deene and I are buddies now.

He lubs me like a brofur, but still puts the bitey on me which I DO NOT LIKE.  I make dis clear by making lots of growlie grumbelton sounds but he still keeps doing it!

I guess I cans furgive him, aftur all he's quite the snuggler and licks my ears fur me.

I was declawed when I was a kitten, I has a tendon problem now. The Humom took me to the V-E-T because I was not putting any weight on my front paw. They gave me a PAWSOME shot of pain meds that made me one loopy man-cat. My Humom told me I was pawing at the floor a long time and nothing was there MOL. I also rolled around a lot inside a box and stayed there almost a whole day being silly! They had to bring me water because I furgot I was thirsty. That was one crazy time. I had to take YUCKIE pills for 10 days (antibiotics) I just had my lastest one tonight YAY!
I guess I has to get surgeries on mah footies... dis is scary - do not want!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Belated Purrthday to Zulu!!!

Happy Belated Purrthday to my Mancat Zulu!!! He turned 8 years old on Feb 2nd! 
Clickies to biggify squirrel furriends and cake =^_^=
Zulu always wanted to NOM a squirrel, so now he can, and so can you! Come on over fur cake, nips and treats!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Good noos, and bad noos

Let's start wif the good. We got a pawsome pressunt yesterday from the Hoomans.
Our purrvalence cam caught dis shot of the Humom coming home.

OMC it's a new tree!

As soon as it was in the house, Zulu was all over it, followed by me. Let's just say he wasn't happy sharing wif a kitten. But he got ovar it.

Dis is pawsome !

We're not sure if dis will stay in here, bit I hope so. I like that we cans climb up to our ceiling box from it. I guess now the bad nooos....

Zulu has IBS, he had to get a B12 shot, and take some meds. He refuses to eat his noo food. He acts like he is burying it :( I has not seen him eat since Purrsday. The vet was adamant in that he must only have dis food.... Going to have to call tomorrow and see if there are more kinds. Poor mancat.