Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sorry we has been on leave

Sorry we has been gone a while wif no updaties. Our Humom has started skool and has been totally hogging the computer fur classes. Gee fanks fur nothing Humom! When can we has our own laptop already?! To try and make up fur dis blatant disregard of our need to get on the interwebs - we at least were given a NEW NANNER!!! NOM~!

Ok Humom, I guess we forgives you fur now.... just purrlease let us update at least once a week ok? Hope you all are having a pawsome weekend. PURRS2U! Luna & Zulu


  1. We have to admit...a new nip nanner can sure save the day!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Heh, no updates in forever and you guys forgive her for a mere nip nanner? Heh - you should have held out for a whole cat tree!

  3. Good to hear from you Luna and Zulu. We kinda like nip nanners so we would probably forgive our human if she was nice enough to get us another one.

  4. Nice to see you guys! That nip nanner looks good!

  5. It's so good to see you spotted sweeties! As long as the Mom is doin these things to better YOUR life, it's ok! Hahameow.

  6. Beans. Always got something else to do other than tending to the kitties.

  7. It's really nice seeing you, Zulu and Luna! Glad you at least got a new nanner out of this whole thing. :)

  8. Hi Luna, you remind our human of our late LT with your coat colour and pattern. Hopefully our human many blog about LT soon. Purrs!
