Sunday, December 2, 2012

V-E-T Time for Luna

Dis is my OH NO face. My hooman told me we were going to the VET!!!! I went yesterday. It wasn't too bad, the white coat hooman was nice. I was supposed to get my annual shots but she found out I am sick. I maybe has a food allergy or asthma. I got some new foods without fishies in dem. Zulu gets all mah old fishie treats no fair!!!!
I also has ickies in mah ear. I has to take antibiotics fur ten whole days!! OMC they taste so yuckie, and smell like that stuff hoomans chew and make bubbles! 
Then I has to go the VET ... AGAIN! NOOoOoOOooo.  They wants to make sure I is not sick befur I get my shots. I hope dis stuff works I do not want to get any more purrsedures. 


  1. Luna, we're sorry you had to go to the v-e-t. That's not our favorite thing to do either. We hope the medicines you got helps you feel better.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Luna! Sometimes I think the worst part about being sick is having to go to the vet's office multiple times!

  3. Yikes! We're sending purrs that you're 100% healthy again very soon, Luna. We dread the vet, so we feel for you!

  4. Uh oh. We sure hope you feel all better real soon, Luna.

  5. OMC I hate this anti-bio-tick stuff mombean sticks it down my throat first thing in the morning. I'm getting good at hiding MOL

  6. You made our human laugh with your OH NO face! Sending purrs that all goes well with you!
